Running coach makes difference in making miles happen
by Kyle Wagner
Denver Post • July 16, 2013
“You look like a natural athlete,” said no one to me, ever.
In fact, I’ve always imagined that real-life, serious athletes like ultra-runner Scott Jurek might see me at an event and imagine that life-size lawn bowling has been added to make it more interesting for them, and start looking around for giant pins to throw me at. [Read more …]
Lafayette Coach helps runners heal on the run
9 News, KUSA-TV, Denver, CO • May 8, 2013 / Interview by Susie Wargin
Try a triathlon: Triathlon run’s one simple requirement: Just relax – Running in Colorado with Douglas Wisoff and Ironman races
Denver Post, March 26, 2013 / by Douglas Brown
Relaxation and proper form can get joggers back on the right track:
Longtime runners beat aches, pains
Denver Post, June 27, 2011 / by Douglas Brown
Ask the Trainer: Rehab a knee injury to keep running safely with advice from Douglas Wisoff
Denver Post, February 12, 2013
Stand tall: Good posture is good for you
Boulder Daily Camera, November 9, 2007 / by Cindy Sutter
Keeping Age from Slowing You Down
Boulder Daily Camera Monday, June 17, 2002 / by Mike Sandrock
Running Injury Free: Keeping Muscles Relaxed, Use Exercise for Healing
Boulder Planet, May 11, 1999 / by Shelly Schlender